Witting: canceling the "cancellation culture"


By now, everyone has heard of a popular online practice called “cancellation culture.” Cancellation culture is categorized as public shaming, as it is often spread through social media. The cancellation culture, seen as a way to “justly” punish celebrity behavior, now seems to be doing more harm than good to the media.

Being “cancelled” can cause irreparable damage to one’s career. Many people are quick to forget all the good things celebrities have done in light of one bad incident. Or it can be wasted in minutes. Claims with little to no evidence, year-old videos or social media posts have brought down once-famous celebrities.

The main problem with Cancel culture is that audiences continue to hold celebrities to a higher standard than the average person. So why is it so hard to forgive celebrities who regret their actions? Don’t get me wrong, serious crimes like sexual assault, racism, and other obscenity , does not guarantee forgiveness. But with everyone saying things they regret, and the lives of celebrities being public knowledge, it’s easy for fans to forget how much pressure they endured to live up to the public’s expectations.

This toxic desire to look perfect is having a particularly negative effect on the growing population of teenage “influencers.” , can lead to suicidal ideation and behavior. The easy fix is ​​not to say anything that might justify them being canceled, right? But as the world becomes more sensitive , it’s not easy.

It’s important for people to remember that it’s okay for celebrities to have different opinions than you. may increase. However, this new fan may find out that the same celebrity espouses opposing beliefs and seek to condemn them for holding that opinion. it won’t work. Because celebrities are entitled to their own personalities and unique values. In short, if someone pretty much disagrees with a celebrity’s beliefs, they should stop supporting them rather than trying to get them blacklisted.

The shame behind the cancellation culture isn’t just limited to celebrities. Often times, when someone continues to support a “canceled” celebrity, they also get disgust. This way of thinking continues to foster a pattern of unhealthy opinion shaming, eventually forcing others to follow what the majority believes.

Ultimately, canceling culture is a toxic practice that needs adjustment. Instead of jumping to conclusions about situations or the implications of what was said, people should wait to hear the full story before passing judgment on celebrities just like anyone else. We need to be more selective about what to “cancel” and make sure that the celebrity’s actions actually warrant the harsh consequences of being “cancelled.”

For comments and questions about this story, email the.whit.rowan@gmail.com or tweet us at @TheWhitOnline.
