Tietoevry launches guide to encourage girls to choose tech careers

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Nordic girls find the technology and ICT industry boring and complicated. To combat this lack of talent, Tietoevry created a guidebook “Being an IT girlThis booklet provides 15- to 18-year-old girls with practical insight into the industry and its various job roles and possible career paths. The aim is to lower the barriers to choosing technology/ICT as an academic and professional field.

The Nordic technology and ICT industry is in the midst of a talent shortage. At the same time, Tietoevry Investigation A survey from the spring revealed that girls find the tech/ICT industry boring and complicated. Due to the gender imbalance in the industry, for example: Risk of harmful bias in IT solutions.

“The industry challenge is our challenge. We have decided that we need to do our part to attract and retain women in the tech/ICT industry. The talent pool needs to be more balanced in terms of gender ratio,” said Tietoevry, Head of Talent Acquisition. Anna Gullichsen“An additional incentive for us is the goal of 50/50 gender-balanced diversity.

Tietoevry booklet released today “being an IT girlis aimed at girls aged 15-18 and their caregivers. Aiming to lower the barriers to choosing technology/ICT as a field of study and work, this booklet provides a practical overview of key industry sectors, job roles and career paths. It also presents Tietoevry’s story of a Nordic woman’s career in various positions. Its purpose is to show the different roles IT business offers and how interesting and fun an IT education and career can be.

“We wanted to demonstrate that technology and ICT are much broader than writing code and being good at math. Creativity, problem solving, teamwork and curiosity are also important. In fact, you can work perfectly in this industry without actually doing any coding,” Gulliksen says. “Another important aspect is that technology is everywhere, so a career in this field offers an opportunity to make a difference and change the world for the better.”

“”copy ofbeing an IT girlThe guide can be downloaded from the Tietoevry website. here.

For more information, please contact:
Tietoevry News Desk, news@tietoevry.com, phone. +358 40 570 4072

Tietevery Create purposeful technology that reinvents the world for the better. We are a leading technology company with a strong Nordic heritage and global capabilities. Based on our core values ​​of openness, trust and diversity, we work with our customers to develop a digital future in which business, society and humanity thrive.

24,000 professionals worldwide specialize in cloud, data and software, serving thousands of enterprise and public sector customers in over 90 countries. Tietoevry has an annual turnover of around €3 billion and the company’s shares are listed on his NASDAQ exchanges in Helsinki and Stockholm, as well as on the Oslo Stock Exchange. www.tietoevry.com
