The NJ Staffing Alliance notes significant differences in the business models and treatment of workers between staffing agencies and Uber.

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The NJ Staffing Alliance notes significant differences in the business models and treatment of workers between staffing agencies and Uber.

  • The NJSA welcomes the fines levied against Uber, but notes that it has nothing to do with the staffing industry or the pending Agency Workers Bill of Rights.

  • NJSA urges Gov. Murphy to conditionally veto Temporary Worker Rights Bill to fix critical flaws that could threaten jobs and New Jersey economy

Trenton, N.J. – Sept. 20, 2022 – The NJ Staffing Alliance (NJSA) has filed a $100 million fine against Uber for failing to pay a safety net program that compensates for bad business practices and unemployment. Kudos to the Department of Labor and Attorney General. Disability, and Family Leave Act. The NJSA notes that some media coverage of the news mislabeled Uber in the staffing industry, when in fact Uber is part of the recently emerging gig economy, a digital Defined as a labor contract between individuals or companies through the platform. Facilitates matching between providers and customers on a short-term and per-task payment basis.

In contrast, the 70-year-old staffing industry provides contract, temporary, and permanent employees to organizations in a wide variety of industries. The staffing industry consists of a network of staffing agencies that work with companies as intermediaries to identify and fulfill their staffing needs. The staffing industry provides workforce flexibility, ensuring companies have enough staff during busy periods, covering vacancies until they are filled, providing temporary support for major projects, and helping businesses grow. to promote Temporary workers similarly rely on temporary workers for job flexibility and diversity, skills training, and as a gateway and bridge to permanent employment.

Uber’s lawsuit is reportedly tied to the New Jersey Contingent Worker Rights Bill A-1474/S-511, which is currently awaiting signature by Governor Murphy. the two are not related.

The original purpose of this bill was to implement the same program as the successful Massachusetts Temporary Workers’ Right to Know Act, and to strengthen the enforcement of current laws and regulations by state agencies. was to provide additional protection and transparency to temporary workers in A few “villains” operating in the New Jersey staffing industry. The bill does not apply to gig workers employed by Uber.

As an organization that advocates high ethical standards and protects the welfare of its employees, the NJSA is committed to addressing the “bad guys” in the temporary staffing industry and protecting temporary workers, especially new hires, low-wage and low-skilled workers. I support the goals of the bill. Individual. But the NJSA goes far beyond its purpose to provide temporary jobs for thousands of New Jersey workers by imposing overwhelming financial and operational constraints on staffing agencies and their clients. We oppose legislation that goes far beyond its purpose, resulting in elimination. Even if only slightly.

The NJSA urges Governor Murphy to conditionally reject the Agency Workers Bill of Rights A-1474/S-511. This will allow us to fix some deficiencies that could cause undue hardships for staffing agencies, potentially forcing the closure and unemployment of thousands of staffing agencies. Temporary worker. Before this bill becomes law and threatens the existence of the entire staffing industry, I urge Gov. Murphy and lawmakers to address four areas that create undue administrative or cost burdens on staffing agencies. I put it up.

Key changes requested include:

  • Eliminate the need for client employers to disclose confidential and proprietary pay scale information of their employees and require that temporary workers’ wages and benefits be on par with their client’s full-time employees. .

  • Allows the state to intervene in whether a customer employs temporary workers as permanent employees.

  • Completely remove a new set of rules and regulations (some of which are conflicting and duplicate existing ones) regarding the transportation of temporary personnel and instead amend the current ones in NJAC 13:45B-12.3 focus onWhen

  • Allow each employee to determine their own pay cycle. This may differ from the payroll cycle provided by your employer’s payroll provider.

“The NJSA urges employers, staffing agencies, and workers to join us in calling on Gov. Murphy to conditionally reject this bill. Far from protecting, the ability of the staffing industry to serve NJ citizens is greatly impaired and diminished.In essence, it is the only New Jersey whose primary mission is to find employment for its residents. It will attack and degrade the capacity of state industries,” said the New Jersey Staffing Alliance.

Contact Governor Murphy ( to request a conditional veto of Bill A-474/S-511 to help protect workers and maintain staffing.

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