Targeting Russia’s Senior Officials, Defense Industrial Base, and Human Rights Abusers

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The Department of State is taking additional actions to impose cost on Russia for its heinous aggression against Ukraine. Today’s actions also further align with those taken by our allies and partners.


MAXIM STANISLAVOVICH ORESHKIN is being designated pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 14024 Section 1(a)(iii)(A) because he is a leader, official, senior executive officer, or member of the board of directors of the Government of the Russian Federation.


The following five persons have been identified as supporting or enabling the theft of Ukraine’s grain. These individuals are being designated pursuant to Section 1(a)(ii)(F) of E.O. 14024 for being responsible for or complicit in, or for having directly or indirectly engaged or attempted to engage in, activities that undermine the peace, security, political stability, or territorial integrity of the United States, its allies, or its partners, for or on behalf of, or for the benefit of, directly or indirectly, the Government of the Russian Federation:

  • YEVHEN VITALIIOVYCH BALYTSKYI was appointed head of the Zaporizhzhia military-civilian administration by the Government of Russia and oversees the seizure of Ukrainian grain from the Zaporizhzhia Region.
  • ANDRIY LEONIDOVICH SIGUTA was appointed head of the military-civilian administration of the Melitopol District by the Government of Russia and oversees the seizure of Ukrainian grain from Melitopol.
  • ANTON VIKTOROVICH KOLTSOV was appointed head of the military-civilian government in the Zaporizhzhia Region and oversees the theft of Ukrainian grain.
  • OLEKSANDR FEDOROVYCH SAULENKO was appointed mayor of Berdyansk by the Government of Russia and has overseen the theft of hundreds of thousands of tons of Ukrainian grain through the port of Berdyansk.
  • VALERY MYKHAILOVYCH PAKHNYTS was appointed head of the Starobilsk District of the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic by the Government of Russia and oversees the theft of Ukrainian grain.


The following persons are being designated pursuant to Section 1(a)(ii)(F) of E.O. 14024 for being responsible for or complicit in, or for having directly or indirectly engaged or attempted to engage in, activities that undermine the peace, security, political stability, or territorial integrity of the United States, its allies, or its partners, for or on behalf of, or for the benefit of, directly or indirectly, the Government of the Russian Federation:

  • VOLODYMYR VALERIYOVYCH ROGOV was appointed head of the military-civilian administration in the Zaporizhzhia Region by the Government of Russia.
  • VOLODYMYR VOLODYMYROVICH BANDURA defected from his role as Svyatohirsk’s mayor to support its occupation by Russia’s military and was appointed city administrator by pro-Russia separatists.
  • MIKHAIL LEONIDOVICH RODIKOV was appointed head of the Ministry of Education and Science of the occupational government in the Kherson Region.
  • VLADIMIR ALEKSANDROVICH BESPALOV was appointed Deputy Head of the occupation government in Kherson.
  • PAVLO IHOROVYCH FILIPCHUK was appointed head of the city of Kahovka by Russia’s forces.
  • TETYANA YURIIVNA TUMILINA was appointed rector of Kherson State University with the help of Russia’s forces.
  • HENNADIY OLEKSANDROVYCH SHELESTENKO was appointed member of the military-civilian administration in the Kherson Region.
  • OLEKSANDR YURIYOVYCH KOBETS was appointed mayor of Kherson by Russia’s forces.
  • IHOR IHOROVYCH SEMENCHEV is a member of the previously designated Salvation Committee for Peace and Order.
  • TETYANA OLEKSANDRIVNA KUZ’MYCH was appointed head of the Department of Education and Science under the Russia-controlled government of Kherson.
  • SERHIY MYKOLAYOVYCH CHEREVKO is a creator and member of the previously designated Salvation Committee for Peace and Order.
  • ANDREY DMITRIEVICH KOZENKO was appointed deputy head of the Zaporizhzhia military-civilian administration.
  • OLEKSIY SERGEEVICH SELIVANOV was appointed Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Zaporizhzhia Region.
  • ANTON ROBERTOVICH TITSKIY is the Russia-appointed Minister of Youth Policy under the military-civilian administration in the Zaporizhzhia Region.
  • ANDRIY YURIOVYCH TROFIMOV was appointed deputy head of the Russia-controlled military-civilian administration in the Zaporizhzhia Region.
  • MYKYTA IVANOVICH SAMOILENKO was appointed deputy mayor of Berdynask by pro-Russia forces.
  • VIKTOR ANDRIYOVYCH EMELIANENKO was appointed deputy head of the Russia-controlled military-civilian administration in the Zaporizhzhia Region.

Promoting Accountability for Russia’s Abuses

The MAIN INTELLIGENCE DIRECTORATE (GRU) is a military intelligence agency of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces. Today, the GRU is being designated by the Department of State pursuant to E.O. 14024 Section 1(a)(i) for operating or having operated in the defense and related materiel sector of the Russian Federation economy. The GRU was previously designated pursuant to E.O. 13694, as amended, in 2016; pursuant to Section 224 of the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act in 2018; and pursuant to E.O. 13382 in 2021.

Since the start of Russia’s further, full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Russia has engaged in systematic “filtration” operations and forced deportations in Russian-controlled and held areas of Ukraine. The GRU has been centrally involved in Russia’s filtration activities and forced deportation activities.

The unlawful transfer and deportation of protected persons is a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention on the protection of civilians and is a war crime. Estimates from a variety of sources indicate that Russian authorities have interrogated, detained, and forcibly deported at least hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian citizens, including children, from their homes to Russia – often to isolated regions in the Far East.

Credible reports also indicate Russian authorities are deliberately separating Ukrainian children from their parents and abducting others from orphanages before putting them up for adoption inside Russia. Credible accounts indicate that the “filtering” process often involves beating and assaulting detained Ukrainian citizens, separating the families of Ukrainian citizens, seizing Ukrainian citizens’ identification documents, such as passports, and depriving detained Ukrainian citizens of basic necessities such as water and food for periods of time.

Credible reports also indicate that the filtration camps often have poor sanitation measures to protect the health of those being held there and that Ukrainian citizens have died in such camps because of a lack of access to medical care. There are also reports that Ukrainian citizens have been killed in Russia’s filtration camps.

Isolating High-Technology Industries That Contribute to Russia’s Defense Capabilities

U.S.-designated Russian President Vladimir Putin has for years focused on leveraging advanced science and technology to strengthen Russia’s defense capabilities – the same defense capabilities that the Russian Federation is using to attack Ukraine’s population centers and that have resulted in extraordinary suffering including the deaths of children. Today, the Department of State is also taking further action to degrade high-technology industries that support Putin’s war machine.

Military Space

The Department of State is designating three leading Russian military space entities that play central roles in strengthening Russia’s defense capabilities. Specifically, the following entities are being designated by the Department of State pursuant to E.O. 14024 Section 1(a)(i) for operating or having operated in the defense and related materiel sector of the Russian Federation economy:

  • JOINT STOCK COMPANY ROSSIYSKIYE KOSMICHESKIYE SISTEMY (RUSSIAN SPACE SYSTEMS JSC), a Russian space instrument building corporation, carries out activities to implement Russia’s state defense order. Russian Space Systems JSC is involved in Russia’s import substitution program in the context of Russia’s state defense order as well as associated space engineering activities. Russian Space Systems JSC has also been involved with Russian missile-related activities. As additional information, Russian Space Systems JSC has supported Russian government space systems that the Russian military uses to perpetrate its war against Ukraine.
  • JSC ACADEMICIAN M. F. RESHETNEV INFORMATION SATELLITE SYSTEMS implements Russia’s state defense order and builds satellites to strengthen Russia’s defense capabilities. JSC Academician M. F. Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems has described its satellites and their associated systems as vital to Russia’s defense capabilities. As additional information, JSC Academician M. F. Reshetnev Information Satellite Systems has supported Russian government space systems that the Russian military uses to perpetrate its war against Ukraine.
  • JOINT STOCK COMPANY RESEARCH AND PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION NAMED AFTER S. A. LAVOCHKINA specialists have been praised by Russian President Putin for their service in the development of Russia’s missile and space industry. Joint Stock Company Research and Production Association Named After S. A. Lavochkina produces space-related items for Russia’s Ministry of Defense. Joint Stock Company Research and Production Association Named After S. A. Lavochkina has also been involved in the development of missile defense and space-defense projects for the Russian Federation. As additional information, Joint Stock Company Research and Production Association Named After S. A. Lavochkina has supported Russian government space systems that the Russian military uses to perpetrate its war against Ukraine.
Advanced Technology

The Department of State is also taking further steps to isolate Russia’s advanced technology industries in order to limit the ability of key Russian entities to contribute to Russia’s defense industrial base. Specifically, the following entities are being designated by the Department of State pursuant to E.O. 14024 Section 1(a)(i) for operating or having operated in the technology sector of the Russian Federation economy:

  • MULTICLET CORPORATION is a Russian computational technology company that develops and produces computer processors, which are a type of technology. As additional information, Multiclet Corporation works directly with Russia’s defense sector.
  • RZHANOV INSTITUTE OF SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS SIBERIAN BRANCH OF RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES is a Russian institute focused on microsensoric technologies and semiconductors, which are a type of technology. As additional information, Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences has participated in military robotics activities to benefit the Russian Ministry of Defense.
  • JSC MOSCOW CENTER OF SPARC TECHNOLOGIES is a Russian computers and microprocessors firm. JSC Moscow Center of SPARC Technologies computers are used in Russian weapon systems and JSC Moscow Center of SPARC Technologies is involved in the development of microprocessors and supercomputers for Russia’s Ministry of Defense. Computers, microprocessors, and supercomputers are types of technology.
  • INTERNATIONAL CENTER FOR QUANTUM OPTICS AND QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (RUSSIAN QUANTUM CENTER) is a Russian science and technology center focused on the development of high-tech products based on quantum technologies.
  • JSC ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGIES CENTER is a Russian integrator of additive technologies and is involved in implementing and using additive technologies. The Russian Ministry of Defense has described JSC Additive Technologies Center as involved in engine technology in Russia’s military-industrial complex.
  • FEDERAL STATE FINANCED INSTITUTION OF SCIENCE HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION SPECTROSCOPY OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ACADEMY OF SCIENCES conducts activities related to analytical spectroscopy and its applications to technology control, nanotechnologies, and also develops new technologies.
  • JOINT STOCK COMPANY RESEARCH CENTER ELINS undertakes the development of technologies for the Russian Federation’s Armed Forces.
  • JOINT VENTURE QUANTUM TECHNOLOGIES is involved in developing quantum technologies. Joint Venture Quantum Technologies is part of a consortium of Russian entities involved in Russia’s National Quantum Laboratory.
  • JSC SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL CENTER ZASLON is involved in the development of technologies for the Russian Federation’s Armed Forces.
  • FEDERAL STATE FINANCED INSTITUTION OF SCIENCE PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE NAMED AFTER A. F. IOFFE OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ACADEMY OF SCIENCES describes itself as one of Russia’s largest institutions for research in physics and technology. A main research area for the Federal State Financed Institution of Science Physics and Technology Institute Named After A. F. Ioffe of the Russian Federation Academy of Sciences is semiconductors, which is a type of technology.
  • JOINT STOCK COMPANY INSTITUTE FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH VYCHISLITELNYKH KOMPLEKSOV NAMED AFTER M. A. KARTSEVA is a radio-electronic industry enterprise of the defense industry of Russia. Joint Stock Company Institute for Scientific Research Vychislitelnykh Kompleksov Named After M. A. Kartseva carries out research and development of basic technologies in the field of computer engineering.
  • L. D. LANDAU INSTITUTE FOR THEORETICAL PHYSICS OF RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES has several areas of research including quantum computing, which is a type of technology.
  • FEDERAL STATE FINANCED INSTITUTION OF SCIENCE PHYSICS AND TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE NAMED AFTER K. A. VALIEVA OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ACADEMY OF SCIENCES’s areas of research include ion-beam technologies, micro and nanosystem technologies, and high-performance computing.

Sophisticated electronics are used in numerous weapons systems operated by Russia’s military, and Putin has publicly stated his concerns about Russia’s access to microelectronics following the start of Russia’s further, full-scale invasion of Ukraine. To further increase pressure on Russia’s electronics sector, the Department of State is designating numerous advanced Russian electronics entities. Specifically, the following entities are being designated by the Department of State pursuant to E.O. 14024 Section 1(a)(i) for operating or having operated in the electronics sector of the Russian Federation economy:

  • JOINT STOCK COMPANY INSTITUTE FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ELEKTRONNOY TEKHNIKI is a Russian company that develops and produces electronics, including microelectronics and nanoelectronics. Joint Stock Company Institute for Scientific Research Elektronnoy Tekhniki electronic components are used in Russian weapons systems.
  • JOINT STOCK COMPANY ANGSTREM is a Russian electronics entity that is involved in the design of microelectronics, including the design, development, and manufacture of semiconductors (semiconductors are used in the manufacture of electronic devices.) As additional information, Joint Stock Company Angstrem produces computer chips for a navigation system used by the Russian Ministry of Defense for guided missile targeting.
  • FEDERAL STATE FINANCED INSTITUTION OF SCIENCE PHYSICAL HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION NAMED AFTER P. N. LEBEDEVA OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ACADEMY OF SCIENCES engages in research and activities related to microelectronics, vacuum and plasma electronics, and optoelectronics. As additional information, Federal State Financed Institution of Science Physical Higher Education Institution Named After P. N. Lebedeva of the Russian Federation Academy of Sciences has conducted research related to weapons.
  • BAIKAL ELECTRONICS JSC is a Russian electronics company that manufactures semiconductors and computer processors. Baikal Electronics JSC produces computer processors for the Russian military.
  • LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY GROUP OF COMPANIES AKVARIUS (AQUARIUS) is a Russian electronics entity that manufactures more than 1 million electronic devices annually. As additional information, Limited Liability Company Group of Companies Akvarius has been involved in the development of secure smartphones for Russian military and intelligence personnel.
  • LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY YADRO FAB DUBNA is a Russian electronics entity involved in the manufacture of electronic components. Limited Liability Company Yadro Fab Dubna is implementing a project to create Russia’s largest modern production plant for the production of circuit boards (circuit boards are a type of electronics).
  • FEDERAL RESEARCH CENTER INSTITUTE OF APPLIED PHYSICS OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES conducts research related to high-power electronics, microwave electronics, and plasma electrodynamics.
  • LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY KROKUS NANOELEKTRONIKA (CROCUS NANOELECTRONICS) is a Russian semiconductor manufacturer which specializes in semiconductor development, bio-electronic sensors, and semiconductor wafer processing.
  • JOINT STOCK COMPANY ELEMENT is a Russian microelectronics entity that has a leading position in Russia’s microelectronic area in sales volume and technology.
  • ELVEES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CENTER JSC (JSC SPC ELVIS, JOINT STOCK COMPANY SCIENTIFIC AND PRODUCTION CENTER ELECTRONIC COMPUTING AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS) is a Russian electronics company involved in developing electronics components. As additional information, Elvees Research and Development Center JSC also produces a radar system for detecting and tracking airborne, ground, and surface targets.
  • JOINT STOCK COMPANY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISE RADIOSVYAZ is a Russian electronics entity that designs and develops electronic equipment. As additional information, Joint Stock Company Research and Development Enterprise Radiosvyaz carries out activities for Russia’s Ministry of Defense.
  • SPECIALIZED ENGINEERING AND DESIGN BUREAU OF ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS JOINT STOCK COMPANY is a Russian electronics entity that designs and produces semiconductor microelectronic products.
  • JOINT STOCK COMPANY PRODUCTION ASSOCIATION SEVER is a Russian electronics entity that develops and manufactures a wide range of radio-electrotechnical products, including electric motors and other electrical products.
  • JOINT STOCK COMPANY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ENTERPRISE SAPFIR conducts research and production related to semiconductor electronics and supplies microprocessors to the Government of the Russian Federation, including producing products for computer systems that are used on Russian missiles. Joint Stock Company Research and Development Enterprise Sapfir describes itself as a leading enterprise in the Russian defense industry.