State-of-the-art technology uses MRI to diagnose heart failure patients in record time

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Researchers at the University of East Anglia have developed cutting-edge technology to diagnose heart failure patients in record time.

State-of-the-art technology uses magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to create detailed 4D flow images of the heart.

But unlike standard MRI scans, which take over 20 minutes, the new 4D cardiac MRI scan takes just 8 minutes.

The results provide an accurate picture of the heart valves and blood flow within the heart, helping doctors determine the best course of treatment for their patients.

Cardiac patients at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital (NNUH) were the first to try the new technology. I hope to make a profit.

Heart failure is a frightening condition caused by increased pressure within the heart. Although the best way to diagnose heart failure is by invasive assessment, it is not preferred due to the risks involved.

An ultrasound scan of the heart, called echocardiography, is routinely used to measure the peak velocity of blood flow through the heart’s mitral valve. However, this method may be unreliable.

We have been investigating one of the state-of-the-art methods for assessing flow within the heart called 4D flow MRI.

4D flow MRI allows you to see flow in three directions, or four dimensions, over time. “

Dr. Pankaj Garg, Principal Investigator of UEA’s Norwich Medical School and NNUH Honorary Consultant Cardiologist

Hosamadin Assadi, a PhD student at Norwich Medical School, also in the UEA, said: This new technology is revolutionizing the way heart patients are diagnosed. However, it has been found that performing a 4D flow MRI takes up to 20 minutes and the patient does not like her MRI scan for a long time.

“Therefore, in collaboration with General Electric Healthcare, we investigated the reliability of a new technology called Kat-ARC that scans the flow within the heart using ultrafast methods.

“We found that this halved the scan time, taking about 8 minutes.

“We also showed that this noninvasive imaging technique can accurately and accurately measure the peak velocity of blood flow in the heart.”

The team tested the new technology with 50 patients at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals and the Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in Sheffield.

Patients with suspected heart failure were evaluated using the new Kat-ARC 4D Heart Flow MRI.

Dr. Garg said:

“This will benefit hospitals and patients around the world,” he added.

“NNUH is proud to be part of this groundbreaking research that has the potential to improve the diagnosis and treatment of patients with heart disease,” said Professor Erika Denton, NNUH Medical Director.

This project was funded by the Wellcome Trust. NNUH, University of Sheffield, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, University of Dundee, GE Healthcare (Germany), Pie Medical Imaging (Netherlands), National Heart Center and Duke-NUS Medical School (both in Singapore).

“Kat-ARC Accelerated 4D Flow CMR: Clinical Validation of Transvalvular Flow and Peak Velocity Assessment” Published in Journal European radiological experiments September 22nd.


University of East Anglia
