Seven Summits: Creating Culture

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And when you know better, do better– Maya Angelou.

That’s not how I remember high school back then. “

Evolution requires growth. It is a dynamic dance that continually develops and changes, influenced by group members, leadership styles, and established organizational culture.

Inspiring student leadership emerges from the organizational culture of ownership, collaboration, and community within the classroom. Culture is learned implicitly through interaction with members of the Seven Summit Center for Learning. New students get it through observation, interaction, and imitation. Learner satisfaction, motivation, and academic performance typically increase in organizations where students are actively involved. These fundamental skills will benefit students now and in the future.

As the new school year begins, the challenge is not just to know the names of the new students, but to discover who these young people are and how best to support them on their academic journey. seven summit We believe that back-to-school camping trips are the best way to sustain the growth of a positive school culture.

After 10 years of back-to-school camping, why are they still camping?

There are many good reasons to escape from the routine.A Seven Summit camping trip is more like a corporate team-building event Promotes individual and team growth, improves stronger connections within teams, strengthens group bonding, trust and communication to solidify cohesion and academic productivity.

Opportunities for intentional interaction and intentional participation exist between teachers and learners. Seven Summits works with experiential programming specialist Mike Kent of his Ripple Effect Consulting. “The New Year’s Eve trip is a Seven He Summit that sets us apart from other schools. It’s a great opportunity and a fun way to quickly form school cohesion,” says Kent.

Teachers actively participate in all games and help set challenging initiatives to achieve goals. All age groups interact together and senior grades are given specific leadership roles and responsibilities. Having a vision of your role as an older person will connect you to the well-being and direction of the group and motivate you to participate in impactful ways. “I love camping as a fresh start to the new school year,” says senior student Wyatt Joyce. Another of his 12th graders, Parks Boutilier, who is in his third year at the camp, said, “In fourth grade, I have more opportunities to take on responsibility and enjoy my role as a leader. I will.”

Camp administrators provide arrangements that foster constructive friendships, productive group work, and classmate participation. These results foster a healthy school culture that minimizes opportunities for bullying and exclusion. Activities are purposeful and provide students with exciting opportunities to learn new skills and objectives.

Teachers at Seven Summits develop strong relationships with their students, get to know them better, and treat them as important and vocal individuals. It is well documented that students learn better when they feel safe, comfortable and accepted.. In order for students to grow and improve, they need to feel heard and understood as part of the solution.

Freshman to the Center, Emerick DesLauriers, when asked about travelSaid, “MeIt was more fun than I expected. I didn’t know anyone or what to expect, but by the end of my two days, I wanted to stay longer!”

Emily Harder, Grace Benner and Bar Laird said: home cooking diet, active schedule, freedom, flexibility, But most of all, being in nature. The lake and wharf were the most memorable parts of the trip. “

A positive culture is an important part of the center’s foundation. team building It’s an annual effort because many other activities offer opportunities Purposeful interaction and purposeful participation as the Seven Summits create learning adventures.

author: Tara Hauck, Marketing Coordinator, Seven Summit Center for Learning.
