How technology can help you build sustainability into your hotel business


Sustainability is not just a buzzword used to grab the attention of policy makers and business owners. Studies show that climate change, caused almost entirely by human actions, is already happening and impacting our world in devastating ways.

The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will release a report in 2022 that shows exactly how climate change is affecting the world’s population today. In assessing the risks associated with climate change in the near future (2021-2040), the IPCC found that near-term global warming will cause a range of adverse environmental impacts.

The IPCC predicted that extreme weather events will become more frequent, resulting in further loss of natural wildlife and ecosystems. There is also a high risk of global temperatures reaching 1.5 degrees Celsius within the next 20 years if people and businesses do not take precautionary measures.

The good news is that adaptation measures are already in place to combat climate change. The IPCC also found that adaptation responses showed positive co-benefits, pointing to societal benefits from adaptation such as better land management and building techniques.

This is especially true for hotels. When hotels adapt to environmentally friendly practices, they not only help the environment but also maximize efficiency.

Hospitality technology and sustainability

Implementing the latest building technology offers a myriad of benefits for your hotel. Collectively, these systems increase efficiency, reduce costs associated with operations, and benefit the environment.

Impact of hotel management software

A PMS (also known as a property management system) helps hoteliers organize and track the day-to-day operations of their hotel. By automatically tracking every aspect of your hotel, the property management system reduces the heavy lifting of hotel management and makes it easier for your staff to run your hotel efficiently.

With PMS, the days when you had to manually enter check-ins and check-outs, manually confirm rooms were cleaned, and keep paper files of guest information and billing it’s over. PMS can track all of this without the need for paper or manual work.

It goes without saying that property technologies like PMS are attractive to hoteliers as they greatly improve operational efficiencies. However, applications such as PMS technology are also ideal for the environment.

The main reason PMS has a positive environmental impact is that the software completely negates the need for paper in hotels. PMS can bill guests digitally and send digital invoices, making paper invoices obsolete.

Additionally, guests can book online using the integrated web booking tool, eliminating the need to print paper confirmations or bring paper payment information with them at check-in. This is all digitally captured and stored in the PMS for staff to securely access.

The benefits are even more numerous for hoteliers who invest in a cloud-based PMS. His cloud-based PMS allows guests to check-in themselves, greatly reducing the overhead required to help guests check-in.

In addition, the cloud-based property management system offers features such as interactive hotel maps, so front desks no longer need to print out information sheets about the property’s restaurant and water station locations.

Impact of web-based booking software

Hoteliers can make use of another software called WBE (or web-based booking engine) to make it easier for guests to book online. These applications are easy for hotels to implement and easy for guests to use. With WBE, guests can visit her website for hotels and easily select a room on the fly.

WBE is integrated with property management systems, so when guests book online, the PMS is automatically updated for staff to review. Plus, the two-way integration updates your website as rooms are booked, so you never have to overbook.

Hotel technology, such as web-based booking engines, can have a significant impact on a hotel’s success. Eliminate the manual effort of manually tracking and confirming hotel reservations. WBE streamlines and automates this process to better ensure operational success.

Additionally, when guests book online, they will be emailed all the paperwork needed for check-in instead of calling or in person. This greatly reduces paper waste for individual consumers. In addition, WBE reduces work stress for front desk staff. No more manually tracking incoming bookings or worrying about accidental overbooking.

A sustainable workplace is a place where people feel healthy and happy. Therefore, hotel technology applications like WBE can make the workplace more sustainable by improving the mental well-being of staff at work.

Another web-based booking technology tool every hotel should have is a channel manager (CM). A channel manager monitors hotel listings on several different websites. Today, to be successful as a hotel, you must list available rooms on multiple channels, including OTAs such as

Tracking this down manually is a headache and nearly impossible. Fortunately, Channel Manager automates the work. CM automatically updates her OTA, his website for the hotel, and internal PMS on any channel whenever a booking is made.

Being able to list available rooms on multiple channels increases occupancy and revenue. Plus, CM seamlessly updates all channels, so you’re never overbooked. As bookings grow, CM can be used to ensure that hotels sustainably meet the needs of all guests without missing out.

New hotel technologies such as OTA and CM allow hoteliers to advertise across different channels without impacting the environment.

Characteristics of sustainable buildings

In addition to technology that makes hotel operations smoother and more environmentally friendly, the hotel’s physical features are also undergoing a sustainable transformation. Among the latest technology trends in the hotel industry, hotel rooms are becoming “smart”.

Hoteliers are using technology like smart thermostats to give guests easy access to room temperature controls and save on utility bills. A smart thermostat like Google Nest allows the user to set specific temperature settings for specific times of the day and access temperature controls remotely.

There are also sustainable choices for bedding and linens. Many companies now offer sheets made from more sustainable materials, such as hemp and recycled fibers. Your guests won’t know, but the environment will thank you.

Hotels can stop offering complimentary bottled water (a common practice) to guests by adding tech-enabled water dispensers to their facilities. Some of today’s Water He dispensers even offer frothy and flavored drinks from a single tap. This improves guest experience and reduces plastic waste.


The transition to sustainability is inevitable if we want to work towards a healthier planet. Many initiatives, such as LEED building certification, encourage hoteliers to take steps to improve the energy efficiency of their buildings.

If you want your hotel to thrive in the climate-conscious modern world, it’s time to add some hotel technology. Technologies like management software not only help reduce wasteful practices, but also benefit the hotel’s operational processes.

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