How 3 young Caribbean women are changing the entertainment industry – Caribbean Life


Photographer Jennifer Hardeen was born in Queens, New York City to parents Denise and Sue Hardeen.

She has two children and a younger brother in his late 20s. As brothers, they are very close to each other. Both of her parents were born in the South American country of Guyana and immigrated to the United States in her late teens. Hardeen’s father was the hotel’s fire chief and manager, and her mother served as a home health care assistant for her ten years. Her mother died two years ago because of COVID-19.

Terri Ann Peters was born and raised in Guyana. Her dad is African American while her mom is of Indian descent and they are also Guyanese. She has a younger brother with whom she is very close. She came to America when she was ready to enter high school.

Terry Ann Peters. Jennifer Hardeen

Crystal Millington was born to parents Cyril (deceased) and Noreen Millington. Both were born in Guyana. She has her older sister Monique. She also grew up in Queens.

Growing up, some of Hardeen’s favorite memories were going to the film shop and waiting for her pictures to be developed. Her mother loves photography and her father was a professional videographer before she got a job as a firefighter. Photography has always been something Hardeen was doing simply for her enjoyment. She loved taking pictures of landscapes, cities and food.

“When I was a kid, my mom bought me a disposable camera and wanted me to take it everywhere. She always told me to take pictures of everything. Having it was like having someone’s wallet,” Hardeen said.

Furthermore, Peters said growing up in Guyana has been blissful. I miss it, it’s home to me. It’s a big part of my identity and what I stand for,” she said.

Peters started acting in 2009. She was always into entertainment and entertaining her friends and family. She performed talent shows and even attended her high school drama program. She added that her own upbringing created a space for her to share with the audience who she was through my performance and her vulnerability as an actor.

Crystal Millington
Crystal Millington Jennifer Hardeen

Millington has always had an interest in acting, but didn’t fully commit until last year.

“I met Jen in my sophomore or junior year of high school. We all went to the same high school, but we had different interests. It was connected and I didn’t realize it at the time,” Peters said.

Peters added that one of the first things all three women bonded with was having Guyanese roots. Millington added that they connected because they wanted to see the same story told.

Hardeen started working in an office job in her late 20s and says she met some great people there. It wasn’t an easy start and it took a lot of effort for her to get to where she is now.

She said she feels she has grown since she published her first photos. Working with Millington and Peters has contributed to her growth as a female photographer, she said.

Peters shared her experience working with Hardeen and Millington and what it means to her.

“In September 2020, I met Jen for a photo shoot. We talked about creating content that helps

Millington said that although she never met in person, a phone call with Hardeen and Peters helped her understand the acting industry and made her feel like she belonged.

“My experience since then has really helped me find courage. Whenever I have a question, I can easily reach out to both of them. , we feel it is possible to write our own story.

Peters says: I am grateful to have these women as part of my community and circle. They are certainly part of my purpose. “

Hardeen added that she is constantly learning and growing as a photographer. He said, “I’ve learned that it’s okay not to like every aspect of your passion.

Hardeen’s advice for young women who want to get involved in photography is to take pictures and silence the negative voices.

“As women, we are rare in the photography industry and there will be people who will try to break your spirit. “Keep practicing, keep going and you’ll get there,” she said.