Amazing business growth? It's as easy as 1-2-3!

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By Downell Kelly—

How do you measure amazing business growth? Revenue, sales, customers, or all three? Stressed at the thought? Please walk with me

There’s probably a lot going on in your business. I also have a heaping list of professional goals. Perhaps you want to launch a course or start a podcast. What about guest speech and social media virality?

Step into a positive future

Imagine this. You are ahead in every task and bigger project. You are so capable that you have enough time and energy to book a podcast appearance, launch a paid course, or write a book.

Your business is exploding at an unprecedented rate. All because I found the magic solution at the end of my walk. Note that I said “solution” instead of “pill”. Magic potions don’t work!

A step closer reveals the reading, structure, and organization of the solution. “Tell me about failure,” I think with a frown. But we have already come this short way.

to the next step

Your mind is instantly cleared and ready to frame the image you had previously drawn.You find yourself back at your desk with renewed excitement about your business. Don’t be afraid to list all your goals for the next 12 months. Thinking of all possibilities, your mind is exploding in a flood of fireworks.

Almost illegible now, but enthusiastically writing six- and three-month goals. Make a list for the week. If you swallow it all, your heart will sink. This list is long, overwhelming, and almost impossible! Sit back in your chair, take a deep breath, and clear your head. Need to sort out.

Tidying up isn’t just about tidying up your workspace. It’s a rocket ship into the world of amazing business growth.

The advantages of snapshots are:

  • Staying on track and free of distractions increases productivity.
  • Increase your time by planning ahead.
  • Greater flexibility with reassessments and updates.
  • Improving your customer service experience will increase your referrals.
  • Increased business advocacy by employees, customers and contractors.
  • As we hit our targets and expand laterally, we see amazing growth.
  • Increased collaboration – People like to work with others who are reliable, dependable, and deliver results.

It’s time to introduce the “easy as 1-2-3” part of the equation. Make a list of all the things you have to do this week. Label each task 1, 2, or 3.

  1. It should be done immediately. Otherwise, you will go out of business.
  2. It’s important and should be done this week.
  3. Doable, but not critical. These can be pushed next week, or even next month.

Feel the stress and tension leave your body as you label your tasks 1, 2, or 3. Loosening the chin relaxes the shoulders. Talk about magic!

Back in this moment, what have we learned from our short trip together? Structure and organization can help reduce stress. very! What does this have to do with amazing business growth?

Want to improve your productivity?

Productivity. Prioritizing your daily tasks is the key to being more productive and growing your business. It takes more than strategy and planning. It is necessary to take calculated actions.

Y Combinator’s Paul Graham said: There’s a 9 in 10 chance that just sitting down and strategizing is procrastination. ”

Most people unintentionally and sporadically use the 1-2-3 method. So goals and tasks are listed everywhere, from Google Drive and Microsoft Teams to multiple email accounts and management software tools like Trello.

It’s important to zoom out, look at your business from a higher perspective, and build your foundation. As with the tired but effective house analogy, you need a foundation before you can build walls.

In this analogy, the first layer is foundation, the second layer is structure, and the third layer is utility. This approach can be applied to daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly goals.

If you’re completing this list every week, dream bigger! Here’s the #3 wish list element. This will help you and your business grow.

This also works for individual tasks. For example, let’s say your task is to prepare for a webinar you want to host in three months. There are many parts to this task, so prioritize them in order of importance.

#1’s – Choose the date, time and length. Decide on your presentation style.

#2 – Determine giveaway incentives, backup plans, and virtual platforms to present.

#3 – Create or update giveaway incentives and presentation designs. Check the sound equipment and lighting.

This method is flexible and should always be used as a guideline to ensure you are not putting out fires.

Having trouble organizing?

There should be more #3s than #2s and more #2s than #1s in your ongoing org. If not, you have a problem organizing and should hire or delegate. Constantly putting out fires doesn’t lead to amazing business growth.

As an added bonus, schedule #1 when you’re at your best. If you are a morning person, do it. If you are a night owl, now is your time to shine. If your task involves other people, meet with them and use this method with common tasks.

Organization opens the door to lateral growth.

As we grow our network through advocacy, referrals, partnerships and connections, new opportunities for collaboration arise. This includes social media outreach, guest speaker invitations, article and video features, coaching programs, and more.

There are many things you need to do to run a business. Being organized helps streamline processes and paves the way for exhilarating growth. Take a breather, count to three, and make your vision a reality. Easy.

I’m Dawnell Kelly, CEO of Auxly, an organizational agency for women-led businesses.check out When Connect with me on LinkedIn.
